ThisIsRetail #26
Welcome to ThisIsRetail, your weekly look at some of the more diverse and unexpected stuff influencing the way we buy, sell, and consume in the 21st century.
Boris, Brexit, Brazil… this week was full-on bollocks, so we’re reaching for the booze cabinet and taking you with us on a one-way trip to Outer Sauce.
This week we celebrate Count Negroni's masterpiece, boozing for do-gooders, a rather rude new tipple, and the rise of non-alcoholic drinks.
The Negroni at 100
It's exactly 100 years since Count Camillo Negroni walked into Caffè Casoni, Florence, and asked for a stronger version of his usual tipple [Country Life Magazine]
Craft Cocktails & Dead Rats
How the modern craft cocktail movement got Its start during prohibition [Smithsonian Magazine]
In High Spirits
Empirical Spirits' "Fuck Trump and His Stupid Fucking Wall Blend" is a refreshingly smooth, warm, vegetal tasting habanero spirit made from a base of pearled barley, Belgian saison yeast, and koji [Cool Hunting]
Sober Curious?
Why Alcohol Companies Are Betting on Non-Alcoholic 'Booze' [Time]
Burgundy Beats the Stockmarket
Scarcity and complexity have made Pinot Noir a new status symbol [The Economist]
Good Libations
Five of the best ethical alcoholic drinks [Mr Porter]
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